If you have read my article about time travel than you might have thought that if we humans are so qualified and highly technologized that we can even jump in time or hack time than why can't we control time.So today here in this article i will tell you hat is this possible or not.See,if you are going to take the way i told, scientifically than it would probably be wrong but theoritically and practically it's right.As i have told in my article o amazing facts about universe that whatever we see is a illusion so this article also is.
Now you must be thinking that if every thing is an illusion that why aren't yo able to understand it ? And the answer is because your brain doesn't let's you to do the so.Just think that only by using 0.07% of 1/3rd part of your brain you can keep learning for years than what would happen if you will use it 10 %.Einstien the one who provided the theory of relativity even use 0.20 % so this means that now we can treat our brain as separate organism in us which makes us to see,feel,smell and listen what it wants now what is truth.
You might have heard people saying to "Be Positive".This is not just a saying of a noble person but is highly scientific.Just think for a minute that if whatever is happening is according to your brain than what if you can make you brain do whatever you think.Just guess that you have been made to stand outside of class because of a mistake you haven't done then probably you will cry and think why this happened.But instead of that if you will think that teacher will come and ask you to move in with almost all of your mind for a minute than this will happen.
Those things about which i talked about above are of worth nothing if you don't make faith in it.Because it is your brain so it's master mind and beating mastermind requires more faith than you have in god.And whatever i said i have also tried practically and i am trying this so you can believe in this but not theoritically.
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