This is a newly made game released by the makers of witcher 2 and 1 and is not based on it's first and second parts.The game is really very nice and i like it a lot,because it's story is not based on previous parts.So to understand it's story we don't need to play previous parts like god of war,halo etc. games.The story is not released by the official makers of the game but whatever story was revealed i will tell you.
The developer of the game has revealed that they were not at all interested in making the witcher a universal hero so they said that they have made a witcher who will protect earth.Movie starts when the witcher is a child,his family is killed in an attack from evil,emotions like love are totally destroyed from his heart.Now his only work is to take revenge which is the story of maximum games.He tries many times to reach his goal but he's not able to do the so.
At last when he thinks that he has lost his destiny,he can't reach his fate he meets a girl who firstly irritates him and sticks to him.As the boy don't know that she is the only helper in the world left for him ,he several times tries to make her off but she doesn't do's the so.When they are a littler far away from the killer of boy's family or from the king of evil an old man tells the boy that the girl is the only way through which he can kill the evil king.
During his adventure he several times kills animals which can't be imagined.On reaching the castle of evil he says the girl to stay outside and kills most of the guards around the castle.As soon as he reaches the to the evil,the evil blackmails him to kill the girl but the girl says that let herself be killed so that the boy can take the revenge.The witcher waits and thinks for a while and reaches to a decision of attacking.

As soon as the evil tries to kill the girl she transform's into a really powerful lady witcher and with help of the boy she kills the evil and a bright sunrise comes out of sky.It takes all the evil army and the evil king to sky and burns them.They both start a new series of human race with some of the left people.The story is the expected,it is not the official and is also not guranteed of being true.The game will be released by the end of december this year,but if you like this game than you can pre-order it from the below link.The price is around $50 or around 3000 INR.
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The Witcher 3
Reviewed by Himanchal Sharma on Mar 20 2014
Rating: 4.7
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