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Expendables 3 Movie Review And Official Story
Expendables 3 Movie Review And Official Story
About The Movie
We can't expect anything about the popularity of movie but on the basis of expendables 2 we can say that people have been waiting for them movie from a long time,this is the reason why expendables 3 got most good reviews written on the web.Movie has a great story but maybe not unique,and we all know that expendables series is known for it's great action so we can expect the same in this part also.
Story Of The Movie
The story of movie contains everything that an action movie fan would love.The story is something like this
The villain of movie is ex co-founder of expendables team.Stonebanks turned into an ruthless arms trader,killing whom was the main aim of Barney.( He was impelled to kill stonebanks ).Now stonebanks aims his life to destroy the team of expendables.Barney decides that the time to make a change has come,he thinks that now he has to turn the old expendables with something new.Thinking this he kills Stonebanks in a respecting manner.
What I Think About The Movie
After reading the story of the movie and watching the great trailer I am honestly saying that I can't wait anymore for the movie.I like action movies a lot but expendables 3 made my love with action more severe.The movie contains everything that I or an action movie fan would love.If you also want to watch the trailer than watch it from below and tell us by commenting that what do you think about the movie ?
Trailer Of Expendables 3
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