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You are here: Home / Facebook Buys Whatsapp For $19 Billon ?

Facebook Buys Whatsapp For $19 Billon ?

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Facebook Buys Whatsapp ?

Yes this news is true that facebook ,the world's second largest website after google has purchased whatsapp that is being used by 450 Million People for $19 Billion.It is an really stunning news that only a 5 year old company facebook ,has purchased whatsapp which is only 1 year old and really popular company providing people a facility to do free messages and calls. No reason can be expected why do facebook which is so popular has purchased whatsapp ? .This is going to be a nice deal to facebook as only advertising on whatsapp will increase the income of facebook rapidly to cover the amount and nevertheless if facebook is going to allow whatsapp to call someone using the facebook account than accounts on facebook would also increase.It is a fact that whatsapp has accepted the offer of facebook not alike google. Yes google also sent an offer to whatsapp of $10 Billion which was rejected by whatsapp.

Facebook Buys Whatsapp ?

2 Days before the ceo of facebook announced the deal and said that it would be the biggest deal in the website sector ,and it would be.
Facebook must be trying expand its business because it has also bought instagram for $1 Million because of the same reasons it purchased facebook .Instagram is a young company continuously expanding same as whatsapp.No sooner facebook is going to become the biggest website leaving back the google and yahoo not only in the website world but also in the business sector.
Facebook said that it would pay $4 Billion the next day and has payed the $12 Billion by selling its shares from the nasdaq.
It can also happen that we would rush for purchasing a T-Shirt having facebook written on it. But anything can happen we can't hope anything neither about facebook's future nor about what facebook is going to do with the whatsapp. 

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