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What is a black hole ?

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What is a black hole ?

Generally this question arises in the mind of most of the people who read or hear about universe that what is black hole.The universe is my favourate topic.
Well so today i am here to tell you about a black hole.A black hole is actually a dead star whose fuel has ended and whose source of fuel has shrinked to the size of a peanut is a black hole.As the fuel has been completely ended up so the black hole eats everything around it and its gravitational force is so much that the light particles whose weight and mass are 0 and gravity is not applicable on them are also eaten up.
What is a black hole ?

Actually a black hole has infinite energy so it takes you to its center where light and gravity is so dense and mashes so hardly that you are bended and bended and is shrinked to the 1/30 of a an ant and after that either you blast or you keep on shrinking till you blast.
A black whole has no movement of light so time also dosn't passes in it but i will explain about it later.Till now we could say that a huge star which shrinked to the size of a peanut is a black hole and is so huge that it even eats stars bigger than it.A black hole could be of a size of sun or 100x of it.The biggest black hole of our galaxy is present at the center of our galaxy.The gravity of our earth is 10 and the gravity of that black hole is 5.76 x 10
What is a black hole ?

Above is the image of a black hole eating a star 150 times of sun and the black hole was eaten within 11.264 seconds.It is so fast so you could imagine what would happen if we would enter into a star.A black hole is nothing but is erasing the existence of everything.All the things that i told you are analytical and are specified by most of the scientists.
What is a black hole ?

But there's nothing specific that could be said neither about the universe nor about the black hole.Neither you nor i can say the above information is true but for solving the sum "the universe" we are taking the above equation "the black hole" as x and are trying to find the value of x.
That is:-
Universe/Black hole = x

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