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Transformers 4 Age Of Extinction Review,Story And Price
Transformers 4 Age Of Extinction Review,Story And Price
This is another part of the robot war series "Transformers" and was coined as a soft reboot of previous parts by the director of movie.The storyline as coined is really satisfying and somewhat twisted.As the title suggest this time the threat is not only from autobots but from an agency also which has been made by government official to destroy transformers from the earth.

Well our story starts after 10 years from the end of previous part of the movie.The tranformers thinks that all of the autobots have been killed but this doesn't happened,the autobots again arrived but now after ten years there was a agency created by officials of the government to control transformers on the earth so they started searching for autobots.When the agency generals killed the autobots,the tranformers thought that they are friendly with them.
Transformers thought that autobots have been killed but many were left hidden,this fact was not known by the agency so they also started attacking the base of transformers.Transformers think that the agency is doing this thinking that autobots are residing there but opposite to that when transformers went to talk to them they almost completely destroyed optimus prime.Optimus his found completely destroyed in a junk shop but a fellow guy improves his condition.
Agency recognizing the the presence of optimus in a junk yard attacks it severely.To save his repairer optimus takes his original role and attacked agency people to save his owner.Now we are close towards the end of our movie.All the tranformers to take revenge from the agency steals the technology and upgrades themselves, on knowing this agency also conveniences president to officially launch an attack on transformers.At the moment of their fight when transformers are almost going to win,autobots attack the city.
When instead of agency people see that transformers are helping them,they start revolting and conveniences president to draw back.At last everything is good,transformers are well repaired and cared by people.They also gets well respect and a special treatment from high profile people.The price of the movie would be around $55-$75 and is less,it deserves more price as per its graphics.
Transformers 4
Reviewed by Himanchal Sharma on March 22 2014
Rating: 4.8
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