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What is our universe ?

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What is our universe ?

Well hello today after telling that what is a black hole i am here to tell you about the universe that is "out of our imagination".Well we even can't imagine what is our universe.If you magnify the full stop at the end of this sentence by 16 Million times you would find various stars,galaxies and even universe in it.
What is our universe ?

Each common person thinks that "universe is everything" but it is not true, neither you nor i can imagine what is out of our earth even so the question doesn't rises of thinking of universe .Is whatever we see really what we think ? Do life exists out o the earth also ? Do we are really made by gods ? Do another universe also exists ? These are some of the impossible to answer questions.It could be also possible that we are so micro organisms that our universe is one of the multiuniverse or a universe within the universe and within that universe and so on altogether stuck on an insect's eye.
What is our universe ?

It is believed that our universe is 1/3 of an atom.That means that there was a huge cosmic egg which blasted due to some displacement and made same sound which comes when we blast a balloon.But it's rays that are referred as cosmic rays were so powerful that they are still travelling and expanding the area of the universe even if the blast occurred more than 13 billion years ago.
What is our universe ?

Our universe before the big bang is unimagnery but because big bang rays were highly radiated, it is imagined that the universe before the big bang was like in the image above.Like an not working TV.Well if you want to understand the universe briefly than you could by the book "A Brief History Of Time" written by stephen hawkings who is regarded as the "einstien of 21st century".
What is our universe ?

Well it means that is impossible to imagine that what is our universe and is it continuously expanding or it is a sphere.But if you want to understand that what is universe than you need to understand your brain.Well i will explain this after some time in my other article that how to understand universe and time.Till than you can buy the following book to get more knowledge on the topic.

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